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Bio-Resonance Screening

The Asyra Pro is the most powerful systems available for Bio-Resonance Health Screening.  The system provides information about the energetic origins of health challenges by non-invasively and succinctly and provides gentle and appropriate solutions. 

Bio-Resonance Screening Report

What is Bio-Resonance screening?

When working holistically we are constantly learning how better to communicate with our bodies to understand ourselves and our symptoms.  Bio-resonance screening using the Asyra system is a wonderful tool to identify how your body is functioning and which areas require additional support. 


Bio-resonance therapy’s success is mostly attributable to the fact that this form of treatment utilises the body’s own electromagnetic waves.  During a bio-resonance screening, a bicom device reads electromagnetic waves from your body and then sends modified waves back, based on the initial input that was retrieved.  Every living cell emits a unique electromagnetic frequency.  Bio-resonance scanning identifies imblances by measuring these electromagnetic waves at a cellular level.  This includes before significant pathological changes occur and so is also a  useful preventative tool. 


The Asyra responds to an extensive variety of test signatures, that cover everything from the meridians relating to internal organs, food preferences, environmental contaminants, nutritional factors, toxins, emotional patterns and many more.  The medicine is selected from thousands of signatures (including homeopathic medicines, nutritional supplements, Chinese herbs, acupuncture points) and will be very specific to your needs in order to work towards balancing your body.  These signatures are 'printed' into either drops or pills. â€‹


What health conditions can be treated?

The​ Asyra screening can help to improve the health and wellbeing of anyone, no matter what their state of health may be.  The energetic tests may provide useful information to help people suffering from the symptoms of, for example: allergies; arthritis; asthma; candida; depression; digestive problems including irritable bowel syndrome; low energy levels & fatigue; food sensitivities; headaches; hormonal issues; hyperactivity; insomnia; menopausal problems; ME; MS; migraines; parasites; PMS; skin problems; stress; thyroid problems; weight gain or weight loss and much more.


As a holistic therapist I view the results from the bio-resonance scan as a helpful part of your overall picture.  Physical and emotional symptoms are sign posts to the course of disharmony, the body in its wisdom never makes mistakes.  The Asyra is a helpful tool to quickly and accurately view the energy of an individual. The following is a list of example tests I regularly use in a bio-resonance screening session.



  • Emotional Stressors

  • Energetic Status of 40 major organs

  • Nutritional Assessment

  • Metabolic Disturbance

  • Dental Profile

  • Hormonal Profile

  • Toxicit​y

  • Miasm Influence

  • Constitutional Influence

  • Neurotransmitter Disturbance

  • Trace Minerals

  • Vertebral Profile

  • TMJ Stressors

  • Environmental Sensitivity

  • Food Sensitivity

  • Vitamins and Minerals

  • Cranial Suture

  • Chinese Herbs

  • Heavy Metals

Can I be tested remotely?

Yes, the Asyra works on energetic principles and works as effectively remotely as in person.  I used to request hair or nail samples to use during remote testing, however I have since realised this was for my benefit and is not required by the Asyra machine!


I simply use your name and date of birth and then run the tests as I would during an in-person session.  This has proved to be completely reliable.  The energetic imprint of the remedy signatures are sent to you energetically during the session and in most cases are also sent in the post.  

How many sessions will I need?

This very much depends on the severity of each case, however benefits should start to be felt from the first session.  As a rough guide, sessions are usually every 2-6 weeks. A benefit of utilising the Asyra tool is the history of tests retained which helpfully monitors progress during the course of treatment.  


Bio-energetic testing is very beneficial as a preventative, having a 6 monthly MOT session will support your system to ensure optimal health continues. 

              07841 590930

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